Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 20th, 2010

This past week has been really hectic. There was a big mission-wide leadership training here in trinidad. We didn't go to it, but we drove everybody around for it, and picked up the food for it, and stuff like that. So, we didn't get too much time in our area. But Sister John is doing pretty good. She didn't come to church yesterday because she was sick, but we just barely talked to her, and she is for sure getting baptized. Next week. By the way, transfers is next week. Being an office elder, I have known what's happening with it for 2 weeks now. I can tell you, since you aren't really connected with anybody in the mission. I am staying in the office, and I'll be with an Elder Evans. He is actually called french speaking, but he fractured a vertebrae in his back, and so he is here in Trinidad. And he will be with me next transfer. So, there you go.
This morning we went to Maracas Beach again. We played frisbee and football. Running on that sand can't be good for. THe joints in my legs hurt so bad. My feet hurt pretty bad too. Cause part of the beach, the sand is packed pretty tight, so it's pretty solid. And we played for like 4 hours. It was fun, but it hurt so bad. My hip was sore after about an hour. I know, i'm getting old. Pretty soon, I'm going to need a cane. In fact, I think a cane would be a wonderful idea right now. i'm having trouble walking. But hopefully, I'll get over it. Not too long ago, I was studying in Jacob 5. It's pretty intense, and it's amazing to see all different groups of people that it is speaking about. Like the connection between the vinyard workers, and the trees. How the trees represent the church as a whole, and the workers are the people that are called to do the work. (Basically every member should be a worker) It's crazy how we are the branches and the workers at the same time, in a way. It just depends on what we are working at. It's kind of like christs parable about the sheep. There are shepherds, and then there are the sheep. We are each shepherds in a way, and we are also sheep. If we are a bishop, then the ward is our sheep, but we are also the sheep of the stake president and so on. It's pretty amazing how that works.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sep. 13th, 2010

Things are going great here. Sister John, the lady that is scheduled to get baptized, is doing great. She came to church and loved it. Like always, there were a few people who weren't so nice to her (mainly the people who didn't know that the sunday school teacher had let her borrow a book, and the librarian kind of threw a fit) but she knows that she isn't coming to church for the people, and for the most part, people were nice. Her and her son are getting baptized next weekend.
What I've realized is that the only reason people don't do things like come to church is because they don't understand how important it is. It's tough to help people to understand the imporrtance, especially with church, but it's all in the scriptures. There are so many reasons why church is important, and I never realized it until I came out on my mission. I think they call it a reality check. Most people are living in a state that I like to call "the now". What life is like now is what life will be like forever. There's not really a lot we can do by ourselves to help them realize that. A lot of the basic beliefs and doctrines will help the most.

August 30th, 2010

The week here in Trinidad has been good. We have found quite a few sweet people lately. We don't get much time out working, but the time that we do is really good. We went by a less active named Sister Garcia. She is pretty sweet, but she hasn't been to church in a very long time. But guess what. She came to church this past sunday. It was sweet to see her there. And it was stake conference, so I got to see all the people that I taught from D'abadie and Port of Spain. It was a good stake conference.
We have found a few people that are in the very beggining stages. Last night, we came into the office to get numbers from all the zone leaders, but the power was out, as well as the phone lines, so we had to wait that out. There is a security guard across the hallway from us that we were able to talk to, and she is pretty interested. She took a Book of Mormon, and read some from it last night. Even though we don't get much time, it seems like the people we find are all the coolest. Not like every other area, where a small percentage of the people go anywhere. But we are both pretty new to the area, so we will see how it continues to go.


Finally Updating

Hi, this is Lacey. I'm just going to upload some pictures and his recent letters. Hopefully I can keep up on this for the rest of his mission.