Sunday, April 3, 2011

January 2011

St. Vincent is wonderful. Fairly similar to how I remember it. There have just been a few changes. Like they got a subway here now. So that is pretty nice. It's actually better than the subway in Trinidad. Oh, how I love those sandwiches.
It's been nice being able to go out and work the whole day instead of being in the office. Of course, the hills here are kind of steep, so it has been quite the readjustment. But it's good. I did do something to my knee, though. I have no idea what happened. Just the other day, I jumped, and must have come down too hard or something, because my knee started hurting pretty bad. And then we played basketball this morning. It was fun, but it hurt really bad.
But the work here in St. Vincent is going great. We actually have someone that is really solid for baptism next weekend. When I was here a year ago, we baptized a lady name sister Providence. Her husband has a daughter who lived on one of the islands just off St. Vincent. But, she moved in with them, and we started teaching her a couple days ago. She came to church, and last night said that she would be baptized next weekend. That was pretty exciting.
We are also working with someone that I worked with a year ago. Her name is Michelle. She has been having a lot of doubts, and didn't think that a prophets was necessary today. We've had a couple of good lessons with her, and now she's starting to open up. It's exciting.
I'm finally starting to get a tan back. I was so pasty white in the office. It wasn't even funny. But now, it's good. Pretty soon, I'll be Brazilian model status on the tanning scale.
Well, mom, everything is going great, and it's good to hear that you are doing so well. I love you, and I will talk to you later.

Sadly, I did not recieve the package before I left Trinidad. But, I should be able to get it next week. We are having zone conference in Barbados. Yes, it has been a while since I had to get on a plane to get to zone conference. I'm pretty excited. I've only ever flew through Barbados, so this will be new.
This week has been pretty good. Shakera did not come to church, but we went to visit her after church, and had a lesson about the atonement with her. She has been having some fears about getting baptized, I think mostly doubting herself, but she decided that she is going to make that step and get baptized.
This morning, we went to a Fort that is here in St. Vincent. It's called Fort Charlotte. It was pretty cool. I would send pictures, but I'm not sure what happened to the chord for my camera. I'll have to find it, and then send you some more pictures. We have also got to play basketball every monday morning as well. That has been nice. It kinda sucks, cause I can't jump nearly as high as I used to. That's something that once I get time, I'm going to have to work on.
Wait, isn't Bracc two years younger than me? That is pretty crazy that he is getting ready to go. Cross your fingers for the West Indies. It's the best.
How is school and things going for you and dad?
Well, that is about everything that has been going on here. Just living it up on a Caribbean island, and getting a nice tan (at least my neck, and the lower 3/4 of my arms) But I'm doing good, and i love you.

Zone conference is Tomorrow. We are leaving in a couple of hours to go to barbados. I'm pretty excited.
Wait, who was talking about a cruise? But, I was actually thinking about that lately. There are a lot of cruises that come into St. Vincent, Trinidad, and Tobago. So, that would be a great thing. It's the cheapest way to travel anywhere throughout the Caribbean. I guess the only thing is that we don't spend very long on each Island. Sometimes only a couple of hours. But, that's alright. I think that is what you are talking about, at least. It did kind of come out of nowhere.
That's so great that the entire family is going on that trip. It sounds like a lot of fun. Are the kids just taking a break from school for a week?
Work here is going good. Shakera didn't come to church. We went by last night, and she still is somewhat scared, and so because her step mother was sick, she stayed home (because she said that she didn't want to leave her with all the stress of watching after the children). But she admitted that that was an excuse, and we are going to be working with her solid this week, because she still wants to be baptized this month.
We are also working with a few more families. But none have done anything yet, so there's really no reason to report on them. But, of note is a certain Brother Lyttle. His wife is a nurse in charge of accident stuff, and so she doesn't get to come to church too often, and Brother Lyttle hasn't been the most solid person at coming to chruch when his wife doesn't. He's a Melchezidek Preisthood holder, and he's really a cool guy, just a few motviational issues. But he came to church Sunday. His wife worked (which actually shows that he is starting to get serious about it). So that was pretty sweet.
This last sunday, we had a caribbean area conference. President Uchtdorf and Elder Oaks both spoke over a broadcast to all of the church in the Caribbean. It was pretty sweet. They addressed a lot of things that we as missionaries have been trying to get the members to be better at. Like not following after the traditions of the people. And coming to church regularly. And especially the youth not coming to church. They addressed that. It was pretty sweet.

Barbados was fun. Zone conference was good. I got the package, so that is great. Thanks for everything. The shoes are way comfortable. I like the PJ's, too.
This last week was pretty good. Shakera came to church, so she is getting baptized this weekend. It's pretty exciting.
Attendance has been way down lately in Kingstown, but this week, it reached 93 That's the highest that it has been in a long time. Even though when I was here before, it was over 100. But, it's been between 40 and 70 lately, but it was great to see it come back up.
The work is going good here. We had a rough week this week, but all the outcomes, especially at church, were great. We had 2 investigators and 8 less actives that came. It was exciting, especially after we struggled through the week. But I'm happy, and I have nothing to complain about.
There is another investigator that is of good report. Her name is Ariel. She is somehow related to a less active that we found while tracting. The less active is named Melanie, and they both came to church. It was great. Ariel has a baptismal date, and Melanie is making real progress to come back.
This morning, we went to Wallilabou Bay, where Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed. It's the second time that I have went, but it was fun. There was a few more pictures from shooting than there was last time.

I think that I got on before you got a chance to email. But things here are going good. Shakera got baptized, and the work is starting to pick up. I feel that we are going to have a really good week this week. We need to do a lot of finding, but that will be fun.
Hey, mom, I want to thank you again for the shoes. They are great, and they keep my feet dry. Unlike my last shoes.
Just so you know, I don't think that you should send me another package for the rest of my mission. You can save it, and maybe get me a nice guitar or something when return. 'hint'. But, I'll be bringing home a few souvenirs, and I won't be mailing an more packages. I think they can be delivered in person much better than through that mail.

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