Monday, August 24, 2009

Hey, Mom. My week was great. Elder Jarvis and I have been teaching a lot more people because of some changes that President Gamiette made in the mission. Our days are so busy now. I'm not sure if I have told you, but President said that each day, we have to get 20 peoples name and number. Because of that, we have had so many more people to teach. It's getting tough to talk to all 20 people because we have so many appointments. When you ask if we are having success, I would have to say yes. We found 15 new investigators this week, and currently are teaching a couple named Akeil and Shaniqua. They are both awesome, and they prayed about the Book of Mormon. It rained like crazy yesterday. For some reason here, when it rains, church attendance drops dramatically. It rained more during church than it did all year in Grace. I've got soaked a few times. I always seem to forget my umbrella when I actually need it. And it broke the other day, so not like it helps anymore anyway. I'm getting used to the heat now. I'm sweating almost all the time, but it' s not so uncomfortable anymore. There's nothing that I can think of that I need that I can't get on the Island. I don't live in a shack or anything. It isn't as commercial as Trinidad, but it still has a lot of stuff. There is a KFC in town. I haven't ate there yet, cause we cook most of our food. But just to give you an idea of what it's like. There's only one branch here. There are about 45 members, but only about 25 or so are active. The church has only been on the Island for two years. We are currently holding sacrament services above a grocery store but we are currently waiting for a building to get done that will be our new building. It's actually a house that we are converting into a church building. I'm writing in my journal every day. Even if I don't have a lot to write. I want to remember certain things that i wouldn't otherwise remember if I didn't write them down. Just in case you didn't know, the adress to the Mission Office where you should send all of the mail is West Indies Mission OfficePOBag 543 1 Moraquito Avenue Valsayn, Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago You can post that on the blog so that anyone can mail me letters. No packages, though. Well, that is pretty much it. Let me know how everything is going back home. Love you. Love, Elder Ackerman

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